Is Judgement Sabotaging Your Happiness? (Thursday Thoughts: 27 June, 2024)

Do you ever find yourself feeling confronted by other peoples’ judgemental opinions? In this issue of Thursday Thoughts, I’m sharing how to tackle judgement in a fair and balanced way. Ready to overcome judgements? Then let’s talk!

Hello Talkers! 👋🗣😃

Do you ever find yourself feeling scrutinised or criticised by others, or even by your own harsh inner voice? It can make you feel like you’re not measuring up to others, or to your own potential, and in a world where social media amplifies every opinion feeling judged in some shape or form can be an almost daily occurrence.

But here’s the kicker: judgement, whether from others or yourself, often says more about the person doing the judging than the person being judged. People who are happy and satisfied with their lives don’t feel the need to tear other people down.

Feeling judged can lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and even depression. When judgement comes from those close to you, it can be particularly damaging, making you question your worth and decisions. However, it’s essential to remember that the judgement you face is often more about the other person’s insecurities than your shortcomings. Judgemental comments can be about as useful as a screen door on a submarine! Instead of letting these comments drag you down, use them as a reminder of the kind of person you don’t want to be: unkind, and overly critical.

Judging others can harm relationships and foster a negative environment. So, if you catch yourself feeling judgemental then choose to pause and consider what’s driving those thoughts. Shifting to a mindset of empathy and understanding can transform not just your interactions with others but also your internal dialogue. Life is too short to waste time on negative judgements — yours or others’. Embracing non-judgement encourages positive connections and a healthier outlook on life.

So, here’s my tip of the week: the next time you feel judged or catch yourself judging, take a step back and assess the situation with empathy. Remind yourself that other people’s opinions are reflections of their own lives, not yours. Consciously practice compassion towards yourself and others, and choose to focus on being the best version of you.

If you’d like to learn more about how judgement affects your mental health, and how to deal with it constructively, check out Episode 237 of my podcast Let’s Talk About Mental Health which is out now.

Until our next talk,

Jeremy 😃

And, in other news, it’s less than a week now until my second podcast Change Your Life! launches on July 3… and the trailer is now live! Listen to it below and hit ‘follow’ to stay up to date with new episodes (plus don’t forget to turn on the notification bell so you’ll be alerted when new episodes are released). The CYL! trailer is currently only on Spotify but will be available on all major platforms by the time it’s launched next week.


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Judging a person does not define who they are… it defines who you are.




Click here for the episode transcript


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Let’s Talk About Mental Health is an independent program written and created by me (Jeremy Godwin), and it relies on listeners like you to help with the costs of producing the podcast each week. If you’d like to support the show, you can become a paid subscriber on Patreon for early access to ad-free episodes. Thank you!

© 2024 Jeremy Godwin

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