Focusing on What Matters (Thursday Thoughts: 30 March, 2023)

If it’s Thursday then it must be time for my weekly round-up of tips for better mental health! Each week I share a handful of things I’ve come across that I find interesting, intriguing and inspirational, plus I tell you about anything interesting that’s coming up on my weekly podcast, Let’s Talk About Mental Health, or just generally in terms of my work. So… let’s talk!

Did you read this from a link or have it forwarded to you? Join my mailing list to have it sent to your inbox each Thursday, along with the new episode of Let’s Talk About Mental Health every Sunday.

Hello Talkers! 👋🗣😃

I have a mild case of Shiny Object Syndrome sometimes.

If you’re not familiar with Shiny Object Syndrome, or SOS, it’s when you’re easily distracted by new goals or ideas rather than staying fully focused on what you’re currently working on (marketing ‘guru’ Chris Do recently did a post about it on his Instagram if you’re interested, opens in new window).

I have lots of creative ideas and I’m really passionate about what I do, and so that means that sometimes I can find it hard to just sit and do one thing at a time until it’s done; I often find myself drifting back and forth between multiple things, and I have to force myself to return my attention to the thing that needs to be done. For example, today this newsletter needs to be written but I had an idea in the car this morning for improving the way my social media posts look and I found myself playing with that when I should just be knocking this task over… and so I decided to write about, which forced me to return my focus to the thing with the highest importance and process my feelings all at once. Two-for-one win!

Seriously though, my go-to when I get like this is to stop and forcibly remind myself of my priorities. And I mean forcibly; I have them written on a note near my computer monitor and I read through them to remind myself of what matters most so that I can return my attention to where it needs to be to get things done on time. Now that I only work four days a week (which I’m loving), there is a level of focus and discipline that is necessary to get my long list of weekly work tasks done on time.

I’m interested in your perspective: what do you do to keep yourself focused? Let me know in the comments at the end of this newsletter. 🙂

Now, without any further ado… greetings and salutations, and a very warm welcome to another newsletter. I hope you enjoy my quick snapshot of my favourite things this week — hopefully at least one of them will make you smile/feel inspired. Have a fantastic week!

Jeremy 🙂

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😊 My Favourite Inspiring Posts Recently:

💯 My absolute favourite thing this week:

Sitting with difficult and uncomfortable emotions is painful, but it’s necessary. You can’t heal it if you won’t let yourself feel it to reveal it.

💬 My favourite quote this week:

“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.”

Maya Angelou

😁 My favourite posts from my channels this week:

🤗 My Latest Podcast Episode:

Read the transcript here (opens in new window)

🎥 My Latest Video:

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic week. Talk to you next time! JG 🙂

Did you read this from a link or have it forwarded to you? Join my mailing list to have it sent to your inbox each Thursday, along with the new episode of Let’s Talk About Mental Health every Sunday.

© 2023 Jeremy Godwin

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