Are you challenging yourself enough? (Thursday Thoughts: 23 May, 2024)

Are you staying in your comfort zone too much? In this issue of Thursday Thoughts I’m talking about the benefits of pushing yourself to try new things, and how that helps not only your mental health but also your general life satisfaction. Ready to start challenging yourself more? Then let’s talk!

Hello Talkers! 👋🗣😃

We often find comfort in our routines, don’t we? We wake up, have our morning cup of tea or coffee, go about our daily tasks, and by the end of the day, we settle into bed feeling a sense of familiarity.

But here’s a cheeky question for you: when was the last time you did something that genuinely challenged you?

I’m not talking about resisting that second slice of cake (although, bravo if you did!), but instead I’m talking about stepping out of your comfort zone and pushing your limits.

Challenging yourself isn’t about climbing mountains (unless you’re into that sort of thing, and if so then good on you!), but it’s about growth and self-discovery. It could be as simple as starting a new hobby, having a difficult conversation that you’ve been avoiding, or even just changing up your daily routine. These little acts can lead to significant improvements in your mental health, and they can boost your confidence, reduce stress, and add a bit of excitement to your life.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking: “Why would I want to add stress to my already-stressful-and-hectic life?” And fair point. I have days where I want nothing more than to flop on the couch at the end of a long day and be spoon-fed mindless entertainment until I go to bed, so I’m certainly not suggesting that you suddenly drop everything and become an adrenaline junkie (since I have a firm policy of never recommending something that I wouldn’t do myself).

But here’s the thing: the right kind of challenge can actually help you manage stress better.

It’s like when you exercise; running or lifting weights may seem tough at first, but over time, you get stronger and more capable. The same applies to your mind. By facing and overcoming challenges, you build resilience and mental toughness.

So here’s my tip of the week: Identify one small challenge you can take on this week. It could be trying a new recipe, starting a short daily meditation, or even saying hello to a neighbour you’ve never spoken to. Whatever it is, embrace it with an open mind and a sense of adventure. You might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of achieving. Remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone. So, go on – give yourself a little nudge!

Until our next talk,

Jeremy 😃


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Remember then: there is only one time that is important — Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power.

Leo Tolstoy



Click here for the episode transcript


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Let’s Talk About Mental Health is an independent program written and created by me (Jeremy Godwin), and it relies on listeners like you to help with the costs of producing the podcast each week. If you’d like to support the show, you can become a paid subscriber on Patreon for early access to ad-free episodes. Thank you!

© 2024 Jeremy Godwin

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