Why do things need to change? (Thursday Thoughts: 2 May, 2024)


Change can bring with it upheaval… but it can also lead to opportunities. How it manifests for you is a matter of mindset, and today I’m sharing my thoughts on how to make change work for you. So, let’s talk!

Hello Talkers! 👋🗣😃

The other week I was watching a random funny video on Instagram from 1984 (BTW could someone please tell me how 1984 is 40 years ago?!) and it was actually shocking just how old and dated it seemed; the outdated video camcorder technology was one thing, but the hairstyles and clothes gave me an acid-wash flashback that I’d sooner forget!

Watching that video led me to start thinking about the nature of change and evolution that we all experience individually, not to mention collectively as a society, and it’s no real surprise that it’s on my mind because my next podcast episode (out on Sunday May 5) is about navigating change. Plus, as regular readers of Thursday Thoughts would no doubt have noticed, this weekly newsletter has had a little facelift… something that you’ll see following through to episode transcripts and my social media posts over the coming days and weeks.

Why the changes? Why change at all? Why not just stay the same? Well, the answer is that it’s just not possible to avoid change in life… because life is change. That’s the process of life. We can either resist it, and create suffering for ourselves, or we can learn how to embrace change, so that we can find peace of mind while also helping ourselves to grow and evolve.

So, here’s my tip of the week: Look for an opportunity to introduce one small, positive change into your life at least once a month. Ease yourself into the change, be clear with yourself about why you’re doing it and how it will help you, and take things one day at a time. Eventually you’ll be able to look back at just how far you’ve come thanks to the small changes you’ve made along the way.

Until our next talk,

Jeremy 😃


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“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears”

Nelson Mandela



By the way, thank you very much for helping me recently reach 10k followers on @ltamentalhealth and 5k on @itsjeremygodwin!

Click here for the episode transcript


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Let’s Talk About Mental Health is an independent program written and created by me (Jeremy Godwin), and it relies on listeners like you to help with the costs of producing the podcast each week. If you’d like to support the show, you can become a paid subscriber on Patreon for early access to ad-free episodes. Thank you!

© 2024 Jeremy Godwin

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