Taking a break for two weeks

Hello Talkers! 👋🗣😃

Last week I said I was going to be taking a week off however that has now turned into realising that I need a slightly-longer break than originally intended.

Sometimes you need to take a break. If you find yourself overworked and worn out then you need to take a break, and that’s exactly what I’m doing for a few weeks. I’ve been creating a massive amount of content on Instagram, on my podcast and on YouTube all year long while also working part-time as a counsellor and coach, and I’ve hit a wall in terms of my energy plus I’ve lapsed back into bad habits like stress eating… so I’m going to take a break for a bit and decide what to do next once I feel less worn out.

You may have noticed I haven’t released any YouTube videos since September 29 and I’m also going to be taking two weeks off from the podcast. I already have one episode scheduled which will be released this Sunday (October 9) and then after that the next episode of the podcast (153) will be released on October 30.

Thank you for your understanding; I’m finding myself completely exhausted by the end of each week and then I just crash on the weekends, so I need a small break… and given that I haven’t taken any time off from producing podcast episodes since March/April 2020, it’s time I took a break for a couple of weeks (plus I will be taking 2-3 weeks off over the upcoming Christmas/New Years period). I have lots of old episodes of both my podcast and my YouTube to keep you covered, so if you miss my voice over that period then head over and catch up on some of those!

Take care and talk to you soon!

Jeremy 🙂

8 thoughts on “Taking a break for two weeks

  1. Enjoy your well deserved break Jeremy! I don’t often comment but just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the amount of work and effort you put into everything! Take care of yourself. Looking forward to your return. Best wishes 😊


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